
A favourite childhood pastime for Dana was exploring the wonderful 3-D world of Viewmaster reels. Dana re-discovered the excitement of stereoscopy several years ago. Since then, she has made many of her own stereo images.


To share her excitement with children, she created a children's book, A Present for Father Christmas, with a pop-up cottage that actually becomes a stereoscopic viewer with a magical 3-D image inside.

To learn more about the fascinating world of 3-D and to find help with viewing the stereo images here, visit the London Stereoscopic Company web site, founded by legendary Queen guitarist Brian May and Elena Vidal.  Brian was kind enough to add a link to this web site and recommend Dana's book on his web site at www.brianmay.com. See copies of his December 17, 2009 "What's New" and December 21st "Soapbox" entries.